Hit CR 77 from Rte 24 in Divide, towards Tarryall again, but now armed w/ a different exit... to Rte 285!

Looking at Platte River from above on CR77
Old Mine Shaft in Tarryall I believe.
These next few Homestead buildings were all around, and I forget where exactly some were located,
I can find out later if anyone asks me. Just enjoy for now.
Derby Cabin
w/ old Homestead Certificate copy.
Now... I left 77 and entered Jefferson on Rte 285....at about lunchtime, and saw this place...
This once was an old Train Depot for the D,SP and P Railroad.
Now its houses a realtor and other stuff... but its kinda cool!
Borrowed this from Google images.....
Jefferson Depot in 1937
Had a pretty good burger and fries from the little red caboose lunch stand next to the train depot... but $11 for a sandwich, fries and water? Yikes.
Now, I wanted to geocache my way around, and the previous night I spent 2 hours e-mailing myself coords for area caches, and I would pull em up when I came to the area.... Too Lazy.....to load em onto the GPSr..... my Bad....as I had no internet service out here!! GRRR!!!!!!
I knew I was within 2-9 feet at each location of a cool cache, but w/o the exact spot... I'd never find them.
Glad this was a photo trip not just a geocache one.
Next bad move I made was not studying the online maps better or using the truck GPS (my kid has it) so I went NORTH on 285, instead of south.... well... I did get a few nice shots in Bailey and Pine Junction, headed to Breckenridge, and I drove Kenosha Pass to 10,000+ altitude.
I finally got a map in a small country store in Pine Junction... and lady at counter told me also where I was supposed to be going... Grrrr.... I hate wasting my time when I know better.
Como, CO!
Now once this Train roundhouse was open to walk around and explore the windows... but since its now a registered landmark... its got ugly fences and gates w/ padlocks all around... kinda kills my shots....
Front side (top photo) and Back side (bottom photo)
Look, someone I am related too????
Now this part of the river is in Alma, CO and I went back to see some parts I missed last roadtrip on Sunday the 24th.
Not sure what the heck this was? a Steel tree w/ weird attachments in Southpark City / Fairplay, CO
Let me stop and think about that....I went home, at 5:30pm and my family / friends all threw a BBQ and made it my birthday party, complete w/ burgers, hot dogs, chips, salads, whoopie pies w/ candles for me to blow out, and ended w/ a fire pit and s'mores.
That was the end to a wonderful day!!!!
See ya on my most longest upcoming road trip in August.....to Douglas, WY and YELLOWSTONE!
That will be my last for 2011.